Additional Setup to Attach Sales Invoices to Reminders

To attach Conga Templates to sales invoices to send as attachments with reminders, you must:

Extracting the Conga Solutions, creating the button and creating the required formula field are done as part of your initial installation and configuration of Conga Integration. For more information, see Installation

Adding the Attach Sales Invoice PDF Button to Page Layouts

To add the Attach Sales Invoice PDF button to sales invoices:

  1. Go to Setup | Build | Create | Objects | Sales Invoice and click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  2. Click Edit for the View label, and select Standard Page.
  3. Click Save.
  4. In the Page Layouts section click Edit for one of the Sales Invoice Layout links, then select Buttons.
    Alternatively, if you have existing invoices, you can select an invoice and click Edit Layout in the top right page options or on the Quick Access Menu to make the changes.
  5. Drag and drop the Attach Sales Invoice PDF button into the Sales Invoice Detail, Custom Buttons section of the page.
  6. Click Save.

Assigning Field-Level Security Access to the Attach Sales Invoice PDF Field

You must ensure that your collections users have field-level security access to the Attach Sales Invoice PDF field on the Sales Invoice object. Field-level security access is assigned to user profiles.

To set field-level security access:

  1. Go to Setup | Object Manager | Sales Invoice | Fields and click Attach Sales Invoice PDF.
  2. Click Set Field-Level Security.
  3. Select the user profiles that you want to grant access to.
  4. Click Save.

Assigning Conga Templates to the Sales Invoice Field on the Company Record

For each company in your org, you must assign the Conga template that you want to use for sales invoices. When you assign a Conga template it must have the same record type as the company that you assign it to. For example, if your company's record type is VAT, then you must assign a VAT type template.

To assign a Conga template to a company:

  1. Click the Companies tab.
  2. Click the company that you want to assign the template to and then click Edit.
  3. In the Sales Invoice field, select the Conga template that you want to assign to sales invoices for the company.
  4. Click Save.

Assigning Permission Sets

You must assign the following permission sets to your collections users:

If you use the Sales Invoice Standard template you must create and assign an additional permission set, with the following details:



Name Reminders for Standard User
Object Access Conga Conductor (with field level permissions)
VF Page Access APXT_BPM.Conductor_Launch
Apex Class access



For more information on creating and assigning permission sets, see "Permission Sets" in the Salesforce Help.

Assigning Conga Composer Licenses

You must assign a Conga Composer license to the user profile for your Collections users

To assign Conga Composer licenses:

  1. Go to Setup | Apps | Installed Packages | Conga Composer and click Manage Licences.
  2. Click Add Users.
  3. Select Standard User.
  4. Click Save.

Configuring Conga Composer

You must configure Conga Composer to use the new, built-in template manager.

To enable the new Conga Template Manager:

  1. Click the Conga Composer Setup tab. A redirect warning displays
  2. Click Leave. The Conga Composer Setup page displays.
  3. On the Basic tab, select the Enable the new, built-in Conga Template Manager checkbox.
  4. Click Save Changes.

Updating the Collections Plus Custom Settings

If you want to use Conga Batch (Conductor) V8.13 or earlier with Collections Plus, you must update the following Collections Plus (FF) custom settings:

Collections Plus Setting

Required Value

Conga Batch URL Link /apex/APXT_BPM__Conductor_Launch?id={!APXT_BPM__Conductor__c.Id}
Conga Dashboard Page{!$Api.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_290}&uiscreen=dashboard